
This smoothie is a treat on a hot day. I made mine with a vanilla Vega protein powder because my lunch was so minimal in regards to protein. I have not been using any protein powder for the past 9 months but I decided to play with it a little bit to see how I felt. While there is nothing wrong with this brand, it overpowered the taste of the smoothie. I ended up ordering some hempseed protein instead and the recipe is going to reflect that. 

I also want to point out that I don't make a habit of combining tea or coffee with my smoothies unless I consider them a treat. They have been known to interfere with plant iron absorption. 

Serves 1

1 cup coconut water

1/4 avocado

1 frozen banana

1 pitted date

1 scoop hemp protein

1 tbsp raw cacao nibs

1/4 raw unsweetened coconut

Mix all ingredients in a high power blender. Enjoy!