
I had another long morning away from home ahead of me and I knew I had a small lunch to bring. I decided to fuel up in the morning so that I wouldn't be too hungry before I retuned home later that afternoon. 

This smoothie is a powerhouse of nutrition. 25 grams of protein, 90% of my daily fiber, 50% vitamin A, 50% B-1, 125% Vitamin C, 140% Vitamin E, 500% Vitamin K, 70% Calcium, 50% Iron, 125% Magnesium, 109% Phoshorus, 70% Zinc, 363% a-Linolenic Acid. I've only highlighted the vitamins and minerals that came in over 50% of my daily needs but need less to say its very nutrient dense. 

Serves 1

1 cup unsweetened almond breeze almond milk 

1 tbsp almond butter (raw is healthiest)

1/4 cup raw cashews

1 tbsp flax

1 tbsp hemp seeds

1 tbsp raw cacao

1/4 raw oats

1 frozen banana

1/2 cup frozen blueberries

1 cup organic kale, stems removed 

Mix all ingredients in a high speed blender. Enjoy!